Thursday, July 1, 2021

Spreadsheets - Analysis of Completed Tasks for Wednesday 30 June

 Yesterday Ms Corbett wasn't here again because she didn't feel well again. She sent us some tasks to complete. I made a graph on how much people finished the tasks.

Not much people finished all the tasks and Ms Corbett sent out a form asking how much tasks you did but not much students answered and submitted the form. I can see that only 9 students in our lass submitted. I figured this out by adding the number of students in each box. 

Red = 1 student

Orange = 1 student

Green = 2 students

Blue = 1 student

Purple = 4 students

In total there are 9 people who submitted. Not much people did their tasks yesterday. Ms Corbett will be a bit disappointed in those who  I finished all my tasks and hopefully I will keep on doing my tasks properly.

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